Who are you and where are you from?

Luke Tickle from land-locked Stockbridge, Hampshire. 

In less than 10 words, what kind of fisherman are you? 

Social, varied, dedicated, bordering on obsessive, and love experimenting.

Who taught you to fish?

My father - remember my first fish a grayling caught on trotted maggot on the River Test.

Most memorable day on the water?

A day yellowfin tuna fishing in Florida with Martin Donald (of Spirit of Arun Charters) where the first pass saw nearly every bait in the water hit and resulted in my first yellowfin. We went on to land several more.

We all have a story about the one that got away. What’s yours?

A very large bass that I nearly had beaten, seeing it on the surface when it went on one last run at my feet taking line fast off a very very tight clutch. Then that heart-stopping moment as everything went slack. Cut off on a rock.

What’s your go-to set-up (rod, reel, lure etc - add as much or little detail as you want)

Got to be the one I use most - Tenryu Super Mix 240, Shimano Twin Power 4000, Suffix 131 braid and most consistent lure has the be the Fiiish Black Minnow 160.

You’ve got one day left to go fishing. Where and why?

Florida, such variety and everything is big and predatory.

Species you’d most like to catch but haven’t yet?

Hard to choose just one, bluefin in UK waters is probably top of the list.

What do you do when you’re not fishing?

Make lures & jigheads and enjoy shooting in the winter months

Where can we follow your fishing adventures? 

On Instagram @xticklex 

January 16, 2020 — Rory Batho